Office of Earle J Schwarz
2157 MADISON AVE Ste 201
I have spent my entire legal career in Memphis. I spent the first 27 years in larger firms (Waring Cox [10/80 – 08/01] and Glankler Brown [09/01 – 09/07]). I now have my own practice, concentrating in Mediation, Negotiation and Dispute Resolution Services. I serve as an adjunct faculty member at the U of M law school, co-teaching an upper level seminar in Negotiation Theory and Mediation Advocacy. During my career, I have led the ADR Sections of the MBA and the TBA, the Solo and Small Firms Section of the MBA, the Memphis chapter of the Federal Bar Association, and chaired the Board of Directors of Memphis Area Legal Services [MALS] I am a past president of the Memphis Bar Association (2018). And a founding board member, former Chairman of the Board and currently Executive Director of Intunity – a non-profit organization created to provide low cost rental housing for persons with intellectual disabilities striving to live in the community.
Hundreds of hours dating to the mid-1990’s